Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sneak Peek for Kelly and Dan

There was a time when I thought I would never do portraits and weddings. I wanted to only make art....what ever that is. Recently I have had a change of heart. I realized that as a photographer I am part historian and part storyteller. I make heirlooms and I find that to be a pretty important job. I read a quote tonight, "Family stories make the most valuable heirlooms." Kel and Dan this seemed most appropriate. I was unsure if I should post this tonight, but I wanted you to have your sneek peek because even on our worst days we must give ourselves a moment to find something to smile about so it makes even just one moment a bit better. Allow yourself to enjoy your beautiful niece, nephew and your fantastic little drummer boy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Glimpse for the Farrell's

Meet the Farrell's ALL 23 of them! I was planning on shooting this session on my own but then I thought 23 hmmm.... I need backup AND a bribe (with 12 kids the mother and teacher in me that I can never turn off said bring candy). So I was accompanied by my husband a man of many talents and some ridiculously large Lolie pops. I figured lolie pops made sense we were going to Lolie's house! It was hard to choose the pics for this preview but above represents a cross section of some of the limbs of this big beautiful family. I have personally shared many laughs and tears with the Farrell's and it is amazing to see how they have grown! Welcome to the newest member Miss Maggie, but don't get took comfortable as the baby Sue has another on the way...WHEW!